lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

Happy holidays!

Just take a break, look back and check what you did and what you didn't. It was a long way to go, maybe you had hard times, like us, Chilean people. Earthquake really hit us, but we're overcoming all the pain and destruction. Our souls are not destroyed, neither our dreams. I just want to wish you some nice days to relax, enjoy with your family and be happy.

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

And the winner this week is...

Bart Simpson!  He's naughty and funny, like many of you! A 42% of people voted him.

The second place was for SpongeBob (36%).  Don't worry, he's not disappointed.  He's always happy.


sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010

Do you want to improve your vocabulary skills?

Hi everyone. 
I found a very nice page which can help you improve your vocabulary.  It's simple and basic.  Things like animals, colors, numbers, etc.  You can learn how to write and pronounce the words easily.

The creators of this page say:  "This web site aims to help students to memorize vocabulary in an easy and efficient way, by using pictures, sounds and games. Try our games and enjoy learning, like eating chocolate."  

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

And the winner this week is...

Miley Cyrus, with 48 % of preferences!
The second place was for Justin Bieber, with 38%
The third place was for Selena Gómez (29%)
and finally Jonas Brothers with 12%

Congratulations to all those who voted for Miley!

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

Comparatives and Superlatives (Part 3)

Watch the video and answer the questions below:

  1. The first question is:  Which is…….., New York or San Francisco?
  2. What is Kelly’s answer?  New York or San Francisco?
  3. Who can cook better, Maureen or Raphael?
  4. Who can cook better, Mia or Shauna?  Why?
  5. In the Superlatives section.  The first question is :  What is the ……………………in the USA?
  6. What is Michael’s (the Police officer) answer?
  7. With the question “What is the most beautiful country in the world?”, What does Mary answer?
  8. In Patty’s opinion, what is the coldest country in the world? 
  9. Is Antarctica a country?
  10. What is the question for Dermot?  “Which is the ……… Ireland?”
  11. “What do the English spend most money on?”  What is Rupert’s answer?
  12.  What do most people think?  “Which is the most beautiful language?”
  13. In your mom’s opinion, which is the most beautiful language?

Comparatives and Superlatives (Part 2)

Now, visit these links and do the exercises online.

Next, go to Comparatives and Superlatives Part 3 for a listening comprehension activity

Comparatives and Superlatives (Part 1)

Do you need to practice Comparatives and Superlatives but you don't understand what they're about very well?    Here's a video which clearly explains how to form these two interesting forms of adjectives.

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Listening Comprehension with Friends

Now, watch this video   and then answer the  questions.  Watch it as many times as you  need.

1. Why is Rachel happy?
2. What are the friends doing when Rachel arrives?
3. About how old is Emma?
4. What does Rachel do to show his friends that "Gleba" is a word?
5. Is Emma's dad happy in the end?  Why?

Describing what others do everyday (Part 3)

In this link there is a video.  We can see an example of a daily routine (Melina's daily routine) using third person singular, that is when we talk about others (he, she).
Watch it carefully and then post, in the "comments" section, the daily routine of a family member.  Remember the "s" in  verbs for affirmative statements, or "doesn't" for negative ones.

Talking about actions in progress (3)

What are the people in the picture doing?
Look at this picture and say what every person or animal is doing.

Talking about actions in progress (1)

If you want to talk about what is happening AT THE MOMENT, you have to use the Present Continuous Tense.
This Tense needs the verb To Be (AM-IS-ARE)  and a verb in gerund (-ing).
Examples:  My dad is playing the guitar at the moment
                 I'm watching my favorite program now

Watch a video which exemplifies this

Talking about actions in progress (2)

Visit these pages to understand and  do some exercises on the Present Continuous

lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

Describing what I do everyday (Part 2)

In this video, you are going to see an interview.  Listen carefully and then anwer the questions.
1.  What time does she wake up?
2. What does she do next?
3. What does she have for breakfast?
4. Does she brush her teeth right after breakfast?
5. What does she do after the shower?
6. What does she drink and eat for lunch?
7. What time does she finish work?
8. What does she do when she gets home after work?
9. Does she go to bed at midnight?

Describing what I do everyday (Part 1)

When I want to describe what I do everyday (habits and routines)  I use the Present Simple Tense.  The structure is very simple:  Subject, Verb and Object.  In negative statements, I use don't or doesn't  ("doesn't" for 3rd person singular).  In questions I use Do or Does, then the subject, then the verb and finally the object and the question mark (?).
Remember that in affirmative statements if I use Third person singular (he, she or it)) I must add "s" to the verb.

Now, watch the video and see an example of a Daily routine in First Person Singular (I).  Then, post in the comments section your daily routine.  Remember to include times, connectors, etc.

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

Toy Story 3

Andy is not a child anymore.  Everything changes in his life.  His object of attention also changes.  Toys?  What happens to them?  This is a listening comprehension  activity.  Watch the video and pay attention to it.  Watch it as many times as you need.    Then, answer the questions.

1. Where is Andy going? 
2. What do the toys want to check on the computer?
3. Where do the toys end up?
4. Why do the toys want to escape from this place?
5. Complete the sentence.  Mr. Potato face:  Where is my......?
6.  What happened with Buzz when one of the toys pushed his back button?
7.  Pig says:  "It's the perfect time to be ......................."
8. What does "obsolete" mean?

Be ready to bring the answers in written to our English class.  Enjoy the video.

sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

The Beatles forever

The Beatles are a classic, expecially in English lessons.  Their lyrics are easy to understand and follow.  I usually teach this song to primary school children.  Although they can't read between lines yet, they have lots of fun singing.  Enjoy the video.

Different Ways to say "Hello"

Sometimes you want to be different and don't want to repeat hello or hi all the time.  Why don't you change your "hello's" using:
- howdy!
-  Hey!
- What's up!
- Long time no see!
- It's good to see you!
- Good day!
- Yo! (very informal)

Not necessarily  expecting an answer:
- What't going on?
- How are you doing?
- How are you?
- how have you been?

Formal greetings, depending the time of the day:
- Good morning
- Good afternoon
- Good evening

jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010

How many ways are there to say "crazy"?

Crazy Cat Lady
- bananas
- nuts
- nutty
- loony
- loopy
- weird
- mad
- insane
- wacky
- goofy

- have toys in the attic
- away with the fairies
- a few sandwiches short of a picnic
- have squirrels in the attic

- nutty as  fruitcake
- mad as a hatter (from Alice in Wonderland)

Of course there are more synonyms.  Can you add more?  Which is your favorite one?  Mine are goofy and toys in the attic.

This, that, these, those

This, that, these and those are Demonstratives.  "This" and "That" are used in singular sentences.  "These" and "Those" are used in plural sentences.  But there is another difference.  Watch the video and you will see it.

Second Conditional

See an example of the Second Conditional in a scene of the famous TV series Friends.  The central question is "What would you do if you were omnipotent?"

miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010

Here we are

Welcome to my blog. First of all I need you to introduce yourself. Say your name, age, occupation, likes, etc. Come on!